Your call is important to us no matter what time
We handle all emergencies for plumbing, electrical or reconstructive facility renovations.
Upon your call you’ll be connected to a Live Agent who will escalate the job out to the proper trade. Our team will assess the situation, dispatch, and communicate the urgency.
Our customer will receive real time progress reports and Cloud Based updates.
Our priority of calls are ranked HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW
Complete facility services experts operate 24/7 to ensure minimal disruption to our customers’ businesses and operations.
Done Right & Done on Time
Our facility services technicians are always prepared to provide licensed and certified expert service 24/7. We have emergency dispatch services available Canada-wide. Our expert technicians are always ready to resolve all facility maintenance emergencies for our customers guaranteed results.
We understand that time is of the essence when an emergency occurs. Our priority is prompt restoration to minimize or restore any loss or damage to your facility or property. Our service technicians are trained in prompt response as part of the quality standards in the services we provide to our valued customers.
When the unexpected happens to your business facility, Infinity Group Construction facility maintenance services is your solution. With our licensed & certified technical staff, we will resolve your emergency quickly with professional results – solution, containment, repair or recovery, cleanup. We are just a phone call or email away.
Our emergency services include plumbing, electrical, handyman and disaster restoration.